All Over Again...Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
I am on a week off from work (well deserved, mind you). I have been reading Atlas Shrugged a bit, the novel, of course. After about 50 odd pages, I am, frankly, disappointed. Ayn Rand is as indifferent as can be in this novel as compared to the widely acclaimed, the Faountainhead. The characters act and look the same. They pretty predictable as well. There is too much blabber as well. Also, I can't understand her fetish for creating strictly one dimensional characters. Though, I u nderstand her depiction of (and sort of identify with) an uncompromised self upheaval, I can't really see why some of the characters act as complete idiots. The contrast if at all needed to be emphasized is not served well by this kind of character conflict creation. All in all, I would recommend either of the 2 novels but not both. Because, if u understand Ayn Rand in the first, there is not much left to be understood in the second.
A minor note: I found "The Fountainhead" to be brilliant. In my own words, "She will wear you down with her relentless brilliance. She is one fine writer who evoke the strange feeling to loving to hate the characters and yet making it impossible to not get intrigued by their world, all at once."
A minor note: I found "The Fountainhead" to be brilliant. In my own words, "She will wear you down with her relentless brilliance. She is one fine writer who evoke the strange feeling to loving to hate the characters and yet making it impossible to not get intrigued by their world, all at once."